How it Works

Fans can contribute to their favorite artists through Aphrodite's new Non-Fungible Token (NFT) collection. After purchasing an Aphrodite NFT, you can sell it on a secondary market, or hold it until the concert date. Fans' holding Aphrodite NFTs on the day of the concert will receive their early supporter rewards before, during, & after the show!


Holders of Aphrodite NFTs will have free entry, discounted merchandise, free stickers and raffle tickets, as well as their payout % of the profits that the concert draws in.

Artists can rely on fans to cover an upfront cost and then post show, through Aphrodite, artists can repay fans with the concert's profits. The Aphrodite NFT Collection takes the stress off the artists and encourages fans to get more engaged -letting the artists focus on what they do best.


Off interest is the personal music project of a former Wall Street trader turned indie rocker. Influences range from ancient mythology to stories from nights out in New York and Los Angeles - driven by imagination run amock while daydreaming at  the office job. 


Aliff Rush

Aliff Rush is a multi-faceted recording artist and producer born & raised in his hometown of St. Louis, Missouri. Growing up in the Midwest, Aliff began his career in music as a producer, creating tracks for a handful of artists around the area.